
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back for More, Housekeeping and Future Plans

ただいま (I'm back.)  I'm sorry for the long delay in-between posts.  Things became incredibly busy the last few months and it's just starting to settle down now.  I hope to have some new entries for everyone soon.  You may have noticed something new for this blog.  There's now a tab and a page besides the bog itself.  It's been something I've been thinking of doing for a long time and finally got to working on it for the past month.  I have compiled a list / calendar for different festivals in Japan.  So if you're ever planning a trip to Japan and want to experience a Japanese festival, I have listed almost 500 festivals with a brief description included.  You can learn more on the festival calendar page.

This is just the first step.  I have some big changes planned for this blog coming up soon, which will be a complete upgrade from the original.  I plan on adding some useful new content, like the festival calendar, in addition to the usual entries.  This will be done, as well as fixing up various things with the blog and improving the overall look.  I'll let you in on some of the planned upgrades now.

One of my other big additions will be an interactive map of my blog.  I'm going to plot each blog entry I write that has a location on a Google Map and link back to that entry.  This should provide people a better idea of where it is I'm writing about.  Or you could navigate through much of my blog just by using the map or reading up on places you want to learn more about.  My other addition is a list of big things I want to learn, do and see while in Japan, which I'll cross out and link to the entry once I finish them.  It hopefully gives you an idea of things I'm looking forward to and currently working at.

These are some of the biggest changes that I have planned for updating in the next few weeks.  I'll be working on a lot of other things that can use some work on my blog as well.  Here's where you can help make the blog a better experience for you and everyone else as well.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, whether they be new ideas or an improvement over the old let me know.  If there's something you're hoping to see or learn more about you can ask me that too as a comment here or as a message to me.  Hope you enjoy the next form of this blog as I get back to writing more of my journeys and learning along the way.